Sustainability declaration

Pure Water Theme Park, part of the Ubari Nature Wisdom Centre
We consider it important to create opportunities for children, youth, adults, and seniors, including people with disabilities, to move in nature.

Our services contribute to people's discovery of nature through natural curiosity, the creation of emotions, and the desire to preserve nature for future generations.

In our infrastructure development and service implementation, we have prioritized sustainable management, which is financially and ecologically sustainable for our clients and for us. We lead by example in the application of sustainable technologies, which are carbon-neutral, and we aim to inspire others.

Our sustainability principles:
We prefer local! Our building materials, products, services, and employees are local and resource-efficient. We prefer natural materials, emphasize recycling, and the use of local resources. We introduce visitors to the principles of sustainable development, the technologies we use, and eco-friendly products and services.

Our products (nature tours on foot, by bike, on snowshoes, and glass kayaks) and services are aimed at all target groups, including people with disabilities, based on promoting sustainability. The overarching theme is human impact and minimizing its effect on the environment.

We organize dry toilet technology and composting conferences, Pandivere Water Day for all interested parties, and promote this.

We regularly organize hiking days for people with mobility aids.

We create opportunities for visitors, including people with disabilities, to spend time in nature and engage in horticultural therapy.

We compost food and dry toilet waste. We use local food products and food preparers.

We maintain cleanliness using sustainable cleaning agents.

We partner with companies that follow our principles.

Our heating and electricity are renewable, and we use water and other resources sustainably, monitoring consumption.

We regularly train our employees and partners. They serve as examples for others who follow sustainable principles.

We offer visitors the opportunity to contribute their time to creating nature opportunities for people with disabilities. Learn more about sustainable development principles and apply them in your home or business.

We are located in nature, on the Pandivere Uplands in West-Viru County and Järva County, where our clean drinking water originates. We also operate in beautiful natural locations in Harju County and Lahemaa, where heritage culture and nature are central.